Shoot For The Moon Again

The youthful Indian engineers took their seats, a bit nervously, in a makeshift conference room inside a cavernous former car-battery warehouse in Bangalore. Arrayed in front of them were several much older men and women, many of them gray-haired luminaries of India’s robust space program. The first Asian space agency to…


What does US$ 62 billion of Chinese investment in China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) mean for Islamic Financial Institutions (IIFIs)? Are there business opportunities beyond COEC in Pakistan? To shed light on these questions, IBA Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance, Karachi, Pakistan conducted an International Forum on Unlocking Islamic…

Test Your General Knowledge

In Greek mythology, who turned all that he touched into gold? Midas Which seafaring country has a navigational instrument (armillary sphere) on its green and red flag? Portugal   Animal rights organization PETA disapproved of Barack Obama’s ‘execution’ of what creature during a 2009 TV interview? A fly And much…

Why Globalization Stalled

For many decades after World War II, a broad range of countries shared a fundamental economic vision. They endorsed an increasingly open system for trade in goods and services, supported by international institutions; allowed capital, corporations, and, to a lesser extent, people to flow freely across borders; and encouraged the rapid…