Why Tesla is worth more than GM

The digital economy has transformed the way we communicate with each other ; the way we consume information, products, and services; the way we entertain ourselves. It’s revolutionized seemingly non-digital industries — think of how different financial services, for instance, are today from what they were two decades ago —…

Harvard Business Review

Organizations Escape the Meeting Trap Meetings are supposed to improve creativity and productivity – but they do the opposite when they’re excessive, badly scheduled, poorly run, or all three. These problems take a toll on the whole organization, and they require systemic fixes. mARKETING SPOTLIGHT Why CMOs Never Last Four…


The growth momentum of the banking industry in the second quarter of 2017 was supplemented by favorable macroeconomic conditions i.e. low interest rates, strengthening aggregate demand, uptick of industrial activity and positive outlook as CPAC related projects gain steam. However, low interest rates and buildup of low yielding stock of…

The Devil’s Disciplines

No one doubts that pakistan’s universities are unfree, bigoted and often violent. Local newspapers have carried many stories of young killers, including several from affluent middle-class families.University graduates have planned and executed murders as well as gruesome massacres, such as those at Safoora Goth and the parade lane mosque. Islamic…

Big Blue Birds

Squawk. Screech. Squawk. Hyacinth macaws are big , friendly, noisy parrots. Macaws scream hello to each other across the forest. They even talk while they eat. ” Hello. Meow.” Macaws can copy sounds of people and other animals. A macaw’s giant beak is strong enough to crack a hard shell….