Escape the Meeting Trap
Meetings are supposed to improve creativity and productivity – but they do the opposite when they’re excessive, badly scheduled, poorly run, or all three. These problems take a toll on the whole organization, and they require systemic fixes.
Why CMOs Never Last
Four fifths of CEOs are dissatisfied with their firms’ chief marketing officers. Not surprisingly, CMOs have the highest turnover in the C – suite. Most CMO jobs are poorly designed. The expectations set for the role don’t align with the responsibilities given or the metrics for success.
Being the Boss in Brussels, Boston, and Beijing
Differences in leadership culture can create unexpected paradoxes. American bosses, for example, think of themselves as egalitarian, yet to the famously hierarchical Japanese, they can come across as dictatorial. Such contrary perceptions often undermine managers operating outside their home countries.
Managing yourself
The Science of Pep Talks
According to the science, most winning formulas include three key elements: Direction Giving, Expression of Empathy, and Meaning Making
The Truth About Globalization
Public sentiment about globalization has taken a sharp turn. The election of Donald Trump, Brexit, and the rise of ultra-right parties in Europe are all signs of growing popular displeasure with the free movement of trade, capital, people, and information. Even among business leaders, doubts about the benefits of global interconnectedness surfaced during the 2008 financial meltdown and haven’t fully receded.
In “Globalization in the Age of Trump,” Pankaj Ghemawat, a professor of global strategy at NYU’s Stern School and at IESE Business School, acknowledges these shifts. But he predicts that their impact will be limited, in large part because the world was never as “flat” as many thought.
“The contrast between the mixed-to-positive data on actual international flows and the sharply negative swing in the discourse about globalization may be rooted, ironically, in the tendency of even experienced executives to greatly overestimate the intensity of international business flows,” writes Ghemawat. Moreover, his research suggests that public policy leaders “tend to underestimate the potential gains from increased globalization and to overestimate its harmful consequences.”
The once-popular vision of a globally integrated enterprise operating in a virtually borderless world has lost its hold, weakened not just by politics but by the realities of doing business in very different markets with very different dynamics and rules. Now is the time for business and political leaders to find a balance—encouraging policies that generate global prosperity at a level that democratic societies can accept.